
Ferrari ff

the Ferrari ff has been out for a while now but but i thought i should do a review because if you say to someone Ferrari ff they won't have a clue what your on about so here is my review

the Ferrari ff is Ferrari's first ever 4 wheel drive car. they built as a quick 4 seater which can handle tough conditions like snow and ice and they wanted it to be comfortable on long journeys.

The handling
i haven't actually driven this so i don't know the true handling results. the new car has Ferrari's first ever four wheel drive system and it weighs 50% less than a conventional four wheel drive system this weight loss creates almost perfect weight distribution with only 53% over the rear axle. the car now has a set of new brembo brakes which are meant to be incredibly good

would one buy one?
maybe if you had enough money but as it will probbably sell at £229,000 most people won't be buying this. 

                                                                                     horespower:  651 bhp
                                                                                     top speed: 208 mph
                                                                                     0-62: 3.7
                                                                                     looks(my personal view: 3 stars       

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